Roadways & Lanes

Conventional bike lane

Conventional Bike Lane

A portion of a roadway that has been designated by pavement markings and/or signs for the preferential or exclusive use of cyclists.


Protected bike lane

Protected Bike Lane 

A bike lane with a physical separation from motorized vehicle traffic by a parking lane or barrier. Physical separation of bikeways is preferable on wide or busy streets, on major bike routes, or along long, uninterrupted stretches. Separation can take the form of floating parking, a curb or raised median, or other vertical elements preventing motor vehicles from accessing the bikeway.


Two way bike lane

Two-Way Bike Lane

A bike lane that accommodates cyclists traveling in both directions, and is typically separated from vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier. Physical separation of two-way bike lanes is often preferable on wide or busy streets, on major bike routes, or along long, uninterrupted stretches. However, two-way bike lanes may also exist without physical separation on streets with low traffic volumes, low operating speeds, or low risk of conflict.


Grade separated bike lane

Grade-Separated Bike Lane 

A bike lane that is raised above the roadway to sidewalk grade, or in between sidewalk and roadway grade. Grade-separated bike lanes are utilized where there is adequate right of way adjacent to the roadway or connecting through parks or other properties. Grade-separated bike lanes are typically designed as two-way facilities.


Bike Lane Table [PDF]

See the Bike Lane table [PDF] for a listing of typical bikeway designs and their respective spatial requirements, ideal applications, and advantages and disadvantages


Bus lane

Bus Lane

A dedicated on-street facility for buses. Bus lanes are delineated within the roadway with markings. Bus lanes can either be designed to run along the median of the street or along the outside (curbside or offset from a parking lane) of the street. Select Bus Service (SBS) is a high-quality bus service planned by DOT and operated by MTA NYCT that uses several techniques to improve the speed and reliability of bus service.


Bus lane table

Bus Lane Table [PDF]

See the Bus Lane table [PDF] for a listing of typical bus lane and busway designs and their respective widths, ideal applications, and advantages and disadvantages


Shared street

Shared Street

A roadway designed for slow travel speeds where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists all share the right of way. Slow speeds are encouraged through traffic calming, signage, and use of distinctive materials, furnishings, plantings, and other visual cues in the roadway that caution drivers. Street users generally negotiate the right-of-way cooperatively rather than relying on traffic controls, allowing the entire street to effectively function as a public space.


Ped plaza

Pedestrian Plaza

An area located fully within the public right-of-way that is designated by DOT for use by pedestrians. The space may contain benches, tables, or other facilities. Plazas are maintained and managed by local, not-for-profit partner organizations or other entities, such as Parks.