Conventional Bike Lane

Usage: Wide

A portion of a roadway that has been designated by pavement markings and/or signs for the preferential or exclusive use of cyclists.

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Greenpoint Avenue, Queens
Hoyt Street, Brooklyn


  • Provides dedicated space for cyclists, enhancing safety, comfort, and mobility
  • In combination with other bikeways, provides a comprehensive network of recommended routes for cyclists, thereby encouraging bicycling
  • On-roadway bike lanes that narrow or replace motor vehicle lanes can calm traffic


  • Conduct outreach to people with disabilities and stakeholders working with these population groups early in the planning and implementation process. Provide notification of street geometry changes before implementation
  • Without physical separation, vehicles can block bike lanes, making enforcement of violations critical


  • On streets with high current or anticipated bike volumes or that offer important linkages to destinations or between routes, and where speeds are lower and double parking/illegal parking (i.e. potential bike lane blocking) is not prevalent
  • When excess roadway exists, conventional lanes can be used to calm traffic and make the street safer for all road users
  • Consider using a Protected Bike Lane rather than, or in addition to, a Conventional Bike Lane where conditions permit (e.g., street width, traffic volume, etc.)


  • Create connectivity with adjoining bikeways, bike parking, transit, and commercial or cultural destinations
  • Bikeways in parks, or in other places with heavy pedestrian traffic, light cycling traffic and insufficient right-of-way for separated facilities can be designated using bike stamps


Bike lane table

Bike Lane table [PDF] 

See the Bike Lane table [PDF] for a listing of typical bikeway designs and their respective spatial requirements, ideal applications, and advantages and disadvantages.